Peer Tutoring

About the Peer Tutoring Center

  • Located in room 1124the WSHS Peer Tutors are friendly students who are trained to assist with all types of learning done at school, including math, science, world languages, and more. A Peer Tutor offers feedback and assistance by being a “coach on the sidelines,” not by doing the work for the student. This tutor might assist with any part of the learning process, including the following:
    • Understanding or reviewing a concept taught in class
    • Studying for a quiz or test
    • Brainstorming for a paper or project
    • Giving feedback on a draft or outline of an essay
    • Serving as a practice audience for a presentation
    • Offering tips on time management, study skills, and organization

Peer Tutoring Hours

  • Blue day lunches Mon-Thu, with a rotating tutor lunch break (click here for the schedule of lunch closures)

  • Learning Seminar 6 (with a pass from the student’s per. 6 teacher)

  • After school on Wednesdays 3:05-4:00
  • Students should sign up for an appointment outside of room 1124. Walk-in appointments are also available, as space allows. For more information, email Melissa Morgan (@email).

How do students sign up for help with a particular subject?

  • Students can now sign up for an appointment with a peer tutor by going to the bulletin board outside of room 1123. When they sign up, it is important that they carefully choose the day and time of their appointment (all lunch and after school dates for the current quarter are now posted). Students should fill in all information requested on the sign-up sheet, including the course name and level. Students can also request a particular tutor by name and we will do our best to accommodate. 

For lunch tutoring - Reminder that a new policy this year is that students wishing to leave the cafeteria for lunch need to get a pass from Melissa Morgan in 1124. Students who do not need to purchase lunch may report directly to 1124

College Essay Application Clinic and Tutoring Resources

Interested in becoming a tutor?


peer tutoring group picture