Procedures and policies regarding student attendance
Report an absence using one of these methods
Beginning in the 24-25 school year, parents/legal guardians can submit full-day absences using ParentVUE. Learn more about attendance reporting through ParentVUE.
- Email Attendance: [email protected]
- WSHS Attendance Line: 703-913-3838
- Sub School 1 Last Names A - Cre Press 1
- Sub School 2 Last Names Cri - Hur Press 2
- Sub School 3 Last Names Hus - Miq Press 3
- Sub School 4 Last Names Mir - Sha Press 4
- Sub School 5 Last Names Shab - Z Press 5
Students leaving in the last 30 minutes of the day: Only students with prearranged absences or calls received prior to 12 noon may check out in the last 30 minutes of the day.
If you arrive late to campus, you must check through Door 1 in the Main Office.
General Attendance Information
It is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian to call the WSHS 24/7 Attendance Line, (703) 913-3838, to report late arrivals and absences due to illness or medical appointments. Parents should call as soon as possible to excuse absences. After 48 hours, absences are considered unexcused, may result in disciplinary action. Parents should also call to report late arrivals due to illness or medical appointments or request an early check-out for a student’s medical appointment.
In cases of chronic or long-term illness, FCPS regulation 2234 states that, “a principal or designee may require medical documentation.” West Springfield High School considers twelve (12) all day absences as excessive. If a student accrues an excessive number of absences, the parent or legal guardian will receive a letter from WSHS, requiring a physician’s note indicating the specific health issue for all future absences (including clinic check-outs).
Prearranged Absences
For prearranged absences that cannot be scheduled during FCPS school breaks or after school hours, including college visits; family events/celebrations/promotions; court appearances; or any reason other than illness or medical appointments, take the following steps to have the absences excused:
- Complete the West Springfield High School Prearranged Absence Form (also available in the Main Office).
- Then, student collects signature(s) from every teacher whose class will be missed.
- Parent signs form to confirm awareness of teacher signatures, comments, etc.
- Student then returns the Prearranged Absence Form to the Main Office prior to the absence.
It is expected that all students will finish the school year and take final exams as scheduled. Pre-arranged absence forms are not be used to reschedule final exams.
General Tardy Information
Being on time to school, class, work and appointments is a valuable life skill.
At West Springfield High School, we ask that every student arrive to school and each of their classes on time. Students who arrive late to class will be marked unexcused tardy unless they have an excused pass from the Main Office, counselor, or administrator. Parents will be notified via automated phone call and e-mail if their student is late to class. When you receive these messages, please encourage your student to be on time to every class.
Arriving to School Late
Students arriving late to school are to follow these check-in procedures:
Students arriving after 8:10 am are to check in at Door 1 in the Main Office and receive a pass to their class.
Those students with a note excusing their tardy will report to the Main Office for an excused pass to class.
Any students that arrive after the first block (including during breaks, lunch, and between class periods) must check in through the Main Office at Door 1.
Leaving School Early
Students leaving during school hours are to follow these check-out procedures:
All Fairfax County Public Schools have closed campuses, meaning that students are not to leave school grounds during the day without permission. Students who need to leave school during the school day should check-out with the Main Office or clinic. A parent or legal guardian should call the Attendance Line when a student needs to leave during school hours.
For students who are leaving early, check-out passes are to be picked up in the Main Office by the student. If a student is scheduled to leave during a class period, the check-out pass should be picked up by the student before the class begins.
To request an early check-out for an unexpected situation DURING the school day, a parent, legal guardian, or person listed on students Emergency Care Card, MUST come into the Main Office with photo identification to have the student released; students will not be dismissed during the last 20 minutes of the school day.
Extra-curricular Eligibility
Students must attend ALL classes to be eligible for extra-curricular activities on that day.
Pre-arranged absences must be approved in advance by Mrs. Conte for VHSL. Routine medical appointments (Dentist, Orthodontist, etc.) do not have activity restrictions however; student must provide a physician’s note to the Main Office upon their return to school and prior to the activity.
Guidelines for Excused vs. Unexcused Absences and Tardies
The information below is extracted from the Student Rights and Responsibilities and is based on FCPS Regulation 2232
Excused Reasons
- student illness
- death in the family
- doctor or dentist appointment
- observance of a religious holiday
- suspension (except for certain violations as provided in the current version of Regulation 2601)
- another reason acceptable to the principal or designee
- family and/or student vacations
- child care situations
- missed school bus
- non-school-related activities
- other reasons unacceptable to the principal designee
Tiered Attendance Interventions
Attendance regulations in Virginia are covered by Code of Virginia, Section 22.1-254, requiring compulsory education for children. In working to ensure our students attend school and receive the finest education possible, West Springfield utilizes a tiered intervention strategy to aid and encourage full attendance.
For students who accrue numerous class and full day absences or excessive tardies, discipline can include but is not limited to:
- Afterschool Detention (Wednesdays 3:15 pm - 4:00 pm, Room 1104). Late bus is provided on Wednesday.
- Saturday School Detention (8:00 am - 12:00 pm, Room 1104)
- Alternative Instructional Arrangements (AIA)
- In-school Suspension (ISS)
- Restrictions from extracurricular activities
Here is an overview of some ATTENDANCE CODES you may see in ParentVUE
Code | Information |
Excused Absence (EXC) | Guardians must call or email WSHS attendance line to provide an excused reason why their student was not in school. |
Unexcused Absence (UNX) | Student was absent without a verified reason. |
Unexcused, Locally Defined (UNL) | This code is for absences where the student’s whereabouts are known or supported by the guardians, but administration or local policy still deem the absence as unexcused. Students are responsible for contacting teachers about missed assignments. UNL Examples:
Unverified (UNV) | Student was not in class when attendance was taken by the teacher. |
Cut (CUT) | Student was in class, but left for an extended period of time. |
Excused Tardy (EXT) | Guardians must call or email WSHS attendance line to provide an excused reason why their student was late to school. |
Unexcused Tardy (UNT) | Student arrived late to class without a pass. |
Clinic (CLN) | Student was sent to the clinic. |
Called Out Early (COU) | Student was dismissed before the end of the school day by a parent/guardian. |