SIS ParentVUE Account Activation
Important information regarding ParentVUE account creation:
- Email addresses can only be used once to activate an account. In order to activate a second account, a different email address must be used.
- In order to have digital editing access, the enrolling parent must activate the account with the email they have on file with the school.
Follow these steps to request a ParentVUE activation key and activate your account (see below for video directions):
- Contact the office during regular school hours and request an activation letter for SIS ParentVUE or use this SIS Parent Assistance Form.
- The school will provide a letter with an activation key and detailed instructions that expires at 12:00 a.m. (midnight) on the date listed in the letter.
- Once you receive the activation key, go to and click on More Options in the bottom right corner.
- Click on Activate Account.
- Review the SIS Parent Account Privacy Policy and select I Agree.
- Enter your First Name, Last Name, and Activation Key as they appear on the letter.
- Enter your email address (which will become your username) and a password that meets the minimum requirements.
- You will then receive an email from [email protected] to complete the activation. Click the link in the email before it expires.
- You will receive your confirmation of activation in a second email.
You now have a SIS ParentVUE account! These credentials are also used to login to other applications (i.e., Schoology, MySchoolBucks, Here Comes The Bus, etc.). Due to the sync process from SIS to these applications, it may take 24-48 hours for families to be able to access these other applications.
For more information, help, or to access translations please visit the FCPS ParentVUE account activation webpage or contact our Family Liaison, Ashley Springsteen.